It started with a grocery store groping. I was at the back of the store making my way to the front when I sensed that someone was following me. I picked up my pace a bit, but so did they. Just as I moved to the far right edge of the isle in hopes that this stranger would pass me, I felt a tight pinch on my butt. I instantly turned around but before I could get over my astonishment or formulate a clear thought, I realized that the culprit was my husband. He just happened to stop by for some water, saw my car in the parking lot, and found me with my back to him. He took great delight in his prank.
Later that week I came home from the library at almost midnight. I was surprised to find Chris still awake. He explained that earlier that night he was gearing down for bed when the phone calls began. Three different friends in Fort Worth called to congratulate him on his "expecting" wife. HA! As if I would tell others before telling the culprit (notice that he's the culprit again). As if I would break the news to [
insert your name here] via blog. Anyhoo, it was CLEARLY a prank on Chris, which he really didn't fall for. Of course, if he really didn't fall for it, then one would ask why he couldn't fall asleep until I came home. Perhaps he got a taste of his own medicine after all?
Pay-backs are h-e-double-hockey-sticks.