Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Welcoming the Twins to the World

A big thank you to Norma Hess Photography for beautiful photos from the twins' birth and their first hours in this world.

Going to the OR to deliver. 

Catarina's first seconds in this world. 

Meeting Catarina. 

Chris gushing over Cameron.  You can see the vacuum mark on her head.  Poor baby. 

Chris celebrating.  He was so excited to have two girls. 

Catarina in her warmer; nurses working to make Cameron respond in the background.

Cameron finally responding while Catarina rests in the background.


Cameron holding Papi's fingers minutes after her birth. 

Photos from two days after the twins were born.  Mom and Catarina. 

Catarina (right) was quite a bit bigger than Cameron (left). 

Cameron on left, Catarina on right. 

Papi and Catarina. 

A little door decor.  Grateful to have carried the twins to such a healthy size.

Tiny kisses for a tiny hand.

Cameron cozy with mom.


A baby for each of us. 

Cameron was so tiny and skinny. 

Cameron was also more alert from the beginning. 

Somehow all of this baby was inside me just two days earlier. 

A chest full of baby. 

Alert little Cameron.

Her dress says "Super Awesome Sister"

Our first family picture as a family of five. 


Doris Kellbach said...

What a wonderful record of the arrival of these beautiful little girls! Congratulations and welcome to these babies! ❤️❤️

laSonya said...

Que lindo todos es su familia.