Monday, September 12, 2016

Adventures in Potty Training

Yesterday Katy used her potty for the first time.  For weeks, Katy has been obsessed with sitting in chairs her size or places that resemble a chair her size.  I decided to capitalize on this fascination with a potty chair.  I let Katy sit on the chair several times a week, usually before bath time, hoping she would accidentally use the potty, at which point I would praise her so much that she would want to repeat the trick.  Yes, I was, and still am, naively hoping potty training will be that easy.  

After weeks of filling her potty with invisible waste, Katy naturally reacted with confusion and fear yesterday when she looked down and actually saw something.  I was just as surprised, and my excited squeals probably didn't help much.  I quickly rectified the situation with a marshmallow treat, and soon Katy was clapping as she showed papi what she had done.  

The most exciting part of yesterday's accomplishment, however, is that Katy came to me indicating she needed to use the restroom, asked to use her potty, and then successfully used it.  The first successful potty use was more than the mere accident I had hoped for, which is why I am still naively hoping that potty training will be as easy as introducing a potty chair.