Friday, January 26, 2007


Yesterday I went to Wal-Mart to buy gas and had another one of those experiences that made me feel like I'm living in the future. It was kind of like the feeling I got the first time I saw one of those billboards in the mall that periodically changes advertisements. I know I saw that in a futuristic movie 15 years ago, only the movie version was much more impressive than the mall version, which is nothing more than a continuous roll of poster paper attached to rollers and a motor. Only slightly more impressive are people movers. A couple of summers ago I discovered these flat escalators that effortlessly move people along long corridors in airports or subway stations. People movers totally look like something from an outdated futuristic movie. Ironically, the mechanics of these people movers are strikingly kin to the futuristic changing billboard…

But back to my trip to Wal-Mart. This was not the first time I had a strange futuristic feeling while at America's big-box store. I can recall one occasion that I was actually reminded of the book 1984 as I stood in line to check-out. My extreme frugality however keeps me coming back despite this unflattering comparison. Last night I learned that my local Wal-Mart gas station has officially moved into the new millennium. Gone are the boring gas pumps designed for the sole purpose of pumping gas. Those outdate models have been upgraded to an attention grabbing entertainment center. The pump was plastered in advertisements. There was even an advertisement attached to the rubber hose that connects the nozzle to the pump. Attached to the left side of the pump was a small electronic vending machine. The tiny screen displayed different gasoline upgrade options that could be purchased by simply pushing one of the colorful buttons to left. I was so distracted by all of the busy ads placed conveniently at eye level that I almost missed the T.V. above the pump. Wal-Mart may be accused of skimping out on employee benefits but they cannot be accused of skimping out when it comes to entertaining their customers while pumping gas. As I stood there watching the local news I couldn't help but think that the only thing that would complete this experience was a news story about the high price of gas, or maybe an advertisement for a fuel efficient car. Now that I think of it, maybe the T.V. was a blessing in disguise. For a split second, as I watched a boy fall off a diving board during an advertisement for the next episode of America's Funniest Home Videos, I forgot that the gas pump in front of me was eating away at what little money I have in my bank account.

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