Sunday, April 12, 2009

Wedding Crashers

Last weekend Chris and I attended the Law Review Banquet. What could have been a very mediocre Law Review function turned into an amusing snafu when an older couple joined our table of seven. They were a very friendly couple and immediately began small talk – something about not being able to find anywhere to sit. They asked us how we knew Jacquelyn and were surprised that there were so many law students in attendance. We were confused but didn't say anything for fear they were some dignified, albeit confused, Law Review guest. As they began eating their plates full of food, they noticed the programs at their place setting. Somewhat meekly they said, "This isn't the wedding, is it?" Oh, now we knew who Jacquelyn was - the bride. And now this couple knew why there were so many law students in attendance - this was not the wedding at all. The couple joked about the embarrassing predicament as they quickly finished their steak and green beans - no need to waste a plate of food - and then they quietly snuck off to the next floor of the building for the wedding.

Thank you Law Review crashers for making the evening memorable.

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