Sunday, October 24, 2010


I flew to San Diego exactly five days before my first day of my first job of my professional career. I spent the next day warming up to little Elayna, my cousin's four-month-old baby. I learned that babies have a lot more stuff then I do. A day later I settled into the car in preparation for another long drive.

I thought Chris and I were ambitious when we drove straight through from Texas to San Deigo. Then I learned what ambitious means.

Ambitious is driving 22 straight hours from San Diego to Texas with a baby. During the day, I rotated between the front and backseat to feed, burp, and soothe a baby restrained to a car seat. During the night, I took turns driving while mom slept. A day later I arrived in San Antonio only to crash and realize that my clothes had the faint smell of spit-up.

And I loved every minute of it because of this:

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