Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Oh Christmas Time, Oh Christmas Time

I am oh so excited about the holidays this year. I couldn't wait for Thanksgiving, which came and went far too quickly. Now Christmas is exactly 18 days away and I can't wait! Last week I made a playlist of my favorite Christmas songs. Chris and I pulled out the Christmas tree and hung some lights this past weekend. On Sunday, Chris and I took a picture for our Christmas Cards.

I think I'm so excited about the holidays because for the first time in three years, this time of the year is not overshadowed by the stress of impending final exams. My new found freedom explains why I'm breathing in the holiday spirit. It also explains what follows: my surprisingly shocking Christmas wish-list. Yes, the queen of surprises has surprised herself. So without further delay, here it is:

1. A neoprene laptop sleeve for my 13 inch MacBook Pro.
2. A keyboard with at least 76 weighted keys, a sustain pedal, and a headphone jack.
3. A new comforter for my queen sized bed.
4. A laundry hamper with two compartments and a lid, preferably one that looks like a hamper disguised as a modest piece of furniture.
5. Sweaters to keep me warm in my freezer of an office.

I'm almost ashamed to publish this oh-so-material post. I guess the key word is almost..


laSonya said...

I think at the top of your list should be:
1. To see Sonya before she turns 80.

Sirill Benton said...

and number 2.... come and see us in Thailand!