Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Chaos to Calm


It always starts out chaotic.

The chaos always gets worse before it gets better. Usually, large amounts of trash are generated, even though you thought you threw everything away before you moved. You might return that handy dolly before all large pieces of furniture have been moved to their final resting location. Perhaps the canola oil leaked in transit, spreading to nearby objects like a disease.

But after hours of clearing, cleaning, and shuffling, calm surfaces.

Ahhhh. Welcome home.


laSonya said...

IKEA, yes?

Sirill Benton said...

Your apartment looks awesome!! We need to come and visit... especially if it includes bonding moments. I can just imagine what they might have been. :-)

Kim said...

Ikea yes! Except for the couch and rug. And the wooden chest - my dad made that.