Sunday, February 3, 2013

Kite Festival

This weekend Chris and I went to a kite festival.  We went with my great aunt and great uncle, who are winter Texans in a neighboring town.  As it turns out, the rest of the crowd at the kite festival were also winter Texans.  This made me feel really young.

In addition to stationary kites and crowds of winter Texans, the kite festival featured stunt kites performing choreographed routines to music.  One man flew two kites at once.  Another group raced six kites in impressively untangled formations.  Other performances, however, reminded me of Napoleon Dynamite's performing with the Happy Hands sign language club.  One man flew his kite to music from Phantom of the Opera while wearing a white mask and a velour cape, integrating theatrical hand motions, and ending with a rose sliding down his kite line as the finale.  The winter Texans around me seemed to enjoy the performance, which made me think that older people do not have a dark sense of humor like I do.    

Shortly before Chris and I left the kite festival, a woman dressed as the Cat in the Hat passed through the crowd.  When the Cat in the Hat passed directly in front of our row of chairs, Doug jumped up, approached the woman, and began barking at her.  The woman played her part and reacted as if she were a frightened cat, which made Doug bark even more.  All of the retired people around us started laughing.  One woman behind us stated that our dog knew a cat when he saw one.  After the the Cat in the Hat left, the woman behind us stated that our dog either knew a cat when he saw one or he knew a weird woman when he saw one.  Older people do have a dark sense of humor after all.

1 comment:

laSonya said...

You guys go to the coolest stuff!