Katy is eight weeks old today. Her accomplishments so far include her first bath, her first visit to church, and meeting both sets of her grandparents. She loves to kick her legs and look at faces when she is awake, she makes the cutest cooing noises and tiny smiles, and she recently discovered the joys of a playmat.
First trip to church. She was so bored she slept the
whole time. |
First bath took place in the kitchen sink. |
Meeting Grandma and Papo for the first time. |
Meeting Gigi and Pops for the first time. |
Because Katy has limited means of communication, her body language is especially interesting. Sometimes when someone is moving or shifting her, she will narrow her eyes, furrow her eyebrows, and stick her hand up with her palm out, as if to say, "Wait." Often when she first begins eating, she will close her eyes, raise her eyebrows, and tilt her head back slightly as if she has discovered something wonderful for the very first time. If she is particularly fussy when she begins eating, she will try to fuss and eat at the same time, resulting in funny, rhythmic grunting noises. When her tummy is full or near full, she sometimes lets out a grin and soft sigh. Most of the time, however, Katy looks pretty serious when she is awake. I often wonder if her serious faces are simply the by product of an overwhelming task - absorbing a new world - or if they are indicative of something bigger - her emerging personality.
Wait. |
Silly faces. |
Serious face. |
Looking serious again. |
One amazing thing about Katy is her lack of fear. She is helpless and completely dependent on others to care for her. Despite this, she is so beautifully innocent that she has no reason to fear others will take advantage of her helplessness or hurt her, even when someone new is holding her for the first time. Her trust is limitless. It is no wonder the bible says,
People were also bringing babies to Jesus for him to place his hands on them. When the disciples saw this, they rebuked them. But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kindgdom of God like a little child will never enter it."
Luke 18:15-17.
Happy Katy. |
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