Sunday, October 11, 2015

Attorney at Law on Hold

The week before last I left this:

For this:

Self-imposed unemployment.  Stay at home mom.  Attorney at law on hold.  Whatever you call it, hopefully it means no more Saturday nights spent like this:

Work, work, and more work.
I'm pretty sure my new client doesn't understand the significance of the recent change.  Someday, however, Katy will be an adult with a career of her own and in all likelihood, a family of her own as well.  Maybe then Katy will understand what this change means for her, for me, and for our family.

Only a week in and I already love my new job.  Praise God for opening doors, providing options, and guiding life decisions.  

1 comment:

laSonya said...

Wahoo!!! I want to be your client ;) Can I come take naps at your house?