Friday, June 15, 2007

Puerto Vallarta

The past few days have been full of activity. I left for Puerto Vallarta on Monday, June 11 for Ashley & Freddie's wedding. After sitting in traffic, standing in a long check-in line at the airport and rushing through security, we made it to the plane minutes before the scheduled departure time, only to see that the Ashley and her family were lagging behind us. As we sat there anxiously watching the front of the plane for the bride to round the corner, I thought to myself, "what a story we would have if everyone but the bride made it to the wedding." But alas, Ashley and her family made it with a couple of minutes to spare. And we were off to Mexico for a week of vacation!

In total there were over twenty people in the wedding group. We had a lot of fun crossing paths at the resort and eating dinner together every night. The ocean temperature was perfect and the resort was beautiful. The wedding was picture perfect. We spent plenty of time on the beach, swimming and playing in the sand. One day we went into town and explored a little bit of "real" Puerto Vallarta, complete with a roller-coaster bus ride through the narrow and winding city streets. We also took a small excursion up into the Sierra Madre Mountains to enjoy the scenery of the port below via zip lines. What a rush that was - a sweaty, bug filled, fun and exciting rush. I celebrated my 25th birthday at a Brazilian restaurant. As I'm not a huge fan of meat in large quantities, my favorite part had to be the fire show and of course, my surprise birthday cake and birthday song. The night before the wedding all the girls and ladies gathered in Ashley's room to do our nails and such - and of course there was some giggling and silly antics. It was the perfect way to spend the evening. It was a great vacation and as I packed my bag Thursday night, I couldn't help but wish we had a couple more days to enjoy each other. Of course, I didn't know what was waiting for me at home...had I known I may have been more eager to board the plane for Texas Friday afternoon....

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