Tuesday, November 27, 2007

How to Find a Pawn Shop

When you're driving around some place you don't know so well and you think to yourself, "boy, I could really use a pawn shop right now, but I don't know where one is located," here's a fail proof plan of action (fail proof based on one personal experience):

1) As you approach a red light examine the cars stopped in the lane next to you

2) Pass-up the SUV filled with women and the fancy old-man car driven by a well-dressed man.

3) Ah! Stop next to the dirty, beat-up turquoise Ford Escort driven by a man who doesn't seem to comb his hair or shave on a daily basis.

4) Roll down your window and make a motion at the Ford Escort (Bonus if the man has to move his arm in a circular motion to roll down his window once you have his attention)

5) Say, "Hey man, do you know where I can find a pawn shop around here?"

6) Watch his eyes light up as he says, "Yea, there's one on the otherside of the freeway, not far from here."

It works.

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