Monday, August 11, 2008

It's not Easy Being Green

Almost every store advertises their version of a reusable shopping bag as part of their effort to save the planet. Chris and I recently purchased some of these bags. After a few months of use, I’ve come to realize that if stores really want to save the planet with their reusable bags, they first need to teach their employees how to effectively fill them.

Please teach the employees that the bags hold more than four items. I don’t want to leave the store with three reusable bags and five plastic bags holding the 40 items I purchased. Those bags are big and strong – fill them up.

Please teach the employees that the reusable bags are not intended to be used in addition to the plastic bags. I do not need all of my cold stuff separated from my vegetables, each placed in their own plastic bags that are then placed inside the reusable bags.

Please teach the employees that the reusable bags are only beneficial if they are used instead of the plastic bags. If you accidentally place my three items in a plastic bag before re-bagging them in my reusable bag, please do not throw away the plastic bag just because it is no longer attached to your handy bag rack. What is the purpose of carrying my reusable bag if the same amount of plastic bags ends up in a land fill?

Please teach the employees that if I do not place my three oranges in a plastic vegetable bag, I do not want them placed in a plastic grocery bag before they are placed in my reusable grocery bag.

The last time I went to the grocery store I spent $30, which didn’t buy very much. The kid bagging my groceries couldn’t fit everything in my three spacious, green bags so he started using plastic bags. I quickly stopped him and said, “Everything should fit in those green bags.” He blushed and then picked up the plastic bags holding my cereal and bread and set them inside the green bags.

Someone needs to inform the grocery stores and big-box outlets that being green isn’t as easy as simply advertising a reusable shopping bag. Please educate your employees on how to fill those bags. Do it because I’m tired of getting ugly looks every time my conscious moves me to say something to the person bagging my groceries.

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