Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Month Seven: Mr. and Mrs. Sias a.k.a. Mr. Gas and Mrs. Vaseline

This month it became official: I’m Mrs. Sias. Just look at my bill statements, my insurance card, my check book, my visa, my driver’s license, my social security card, or my college transcript. The only official documents still bearing my maiden name are my birth certificate (can’t change that one) and my passport (not really necessary).

It’s a good thing that I finally changed my name because in my mind, this means that Chris is stuck with me and I’m stuck with him. It’s too much work to change your name and I certainly don’t intend to do it again. So, yes Chris, even though my hands have been so dry lately that I’ve covered them with moisturizing socks at night, I’m still yours. And yes, even though may pass gas in his sleep, Chris is still mine. we have the same last name now. There's no going back.

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