Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Culture Barrier

Today I found this strange little Japanese store filled with ten times the stuff you would find in an average dollar store. The store carried just about anything you could possibly need, and a lot of stuff you would never need, including multiple shelves of tiny porcelain plates and cups. All of the tags were in Japanese, contained metric measurements, and prices in foreign currency. After aimlessly wondering around for a few minutes, I asked the cashier if the store carried Chapstick. Actually, I was pretty sure that in some small corner there was a small box of Chapstick tubes waiting for me, it was just a matter of finding it. The cashier's eyes lit up upon hearing my question, as if to say, "I know exactly where we keep the small tubes of Chapstick among these endless isles of junk." As I followed her to what I thought would be the end of my pursuit, I was impressed that she could navigate her way through the store so quickly. I was a little disappointed, however, when she escorted me to a tall display of chopsticks. I think this was the result of more than just a language barrier.

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