Thursday, May 20, 2010

Remembering How Much I've Forgotten

My bar review course began this week. Two days in and I'm already setting fantastic precedents for the next ten weeks.

The first few days of the course consist of problem sets, or mini tests, in various areas of the law, an exercise that was surely designed to show me how much I once knew but have since forgotten. Even the problem set on property law was a personal failure, despite the fact that I tutored this subject during my second year of law school. My solace? During the review lectures discussing the problems in detail, the lecturers sometimes identify a question as being "tough," "tricky," or the "meat and potatoes." These questions are almost always among the few that I get correct, and I am choosing to believe that this was the result of more than just sheer luck. I'm willing to mislead myself if it means subduing the panic attacks.

On top of realizing that I've forgotten at over 50% of what I learned over the last three years, I was late to class today. That wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't only the second day of class. In my defense, I was running early this morning until my car wouldn't start. The culprit was a dead battery and luckily it was an easy fix. Calm as I was this morning, I could only imagine the very different reaction that such a snafu would evoke if this happened during the actual bar exam: Rather than calmly asking my land lady for a jump start, I would be demanding that she drop everything and immediately drive me to the testing site. Hopefully, for my land lady's sake, I've fulfilled my car trouble quota for the next few months.

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