Friday, October 26, 2012

Showers of Blessings

Today makes two weeks that Chris and I have lived in our new house in our new hometown.  Getting here was no small feat.  There were uncertainties about work and a home purchase.  On Tuesday, October 12, we packed our final possessions into a moving truck with no place to take them.  This was a low point - the kind that tests a marriage and patience and short tempers.  Then, this week happened.  I started my new job, Chris and I closed on our house, and Chris found work in our new hometown

Chris attributed our good fortune to the Dallas Cowboys win last Sunday.  His reasoning: He always has a good week after the Dallas Cowboys win.  I respectfully disagree.  There is someone greater than the Dallas Cowboys watching over us, guiding us, and blessing us.  Thankfully, His blessings do not depend on the Dallas Cowboys.

1 comment:

laSonya said...

This was a good post. I am thankful too that things went well this week.

To God be the glory.