Friday, February 15, 2013

Bad Week?

I could write that this was a bad week for me.  On Tuesday, I locked my keys inside my car . . . while my car was still running.  I immediately called Chris and reported the emergency.  Chris dropped everything at work, drove to my office, and unlocked my car within 30 minutes.

Yesterday, I struck a concrete pole with my car in the parking lot at work.  My bumper was the only property damaged as a result of my blunder.  Nonetheless, security specialists in the building where I work reviewed the security cameras that recorded the accident, photographed the lack-of-damage to the concrete poll, and instructed me to draft an incident memo for internal files.  Frustrated and embarrassed, I called Chris for comfort.  An hour later, Chris was at my office with a giant arrangement of flowers.

Today, my bothersome wisdom took was finally extracted.  I remember very little about the actual surgery due to a wonderful intravenous sedative, but the surgery and the sedative left me a little groggy.  Chris took the day off work, drove me to and from my appointment, picked-up my post-surgery prescriptions, and spent the day preparing no-chew meals for me.  

Considering the oral surgery, a minor vehicle accident, and locking my keys inside my running car, I could write that this was a bad week.  Thanks to Chris, though, the week wasn't so bad after all.


laSonya said...

Chris is a dream boat.

laSonya said...

And I like your new format.