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Baby K just a few hours old. |
The birth classes featured interviews with mothers who successfully birthed their babies without medical intervention. These mothers spoke of how the birthing process was a beautiful and empowering experience. Although I understood how it might be empowering to endure what I expected to be the most difficult experience of my life, I doubted it could be beautiful as well. Several artistically edited birth videos shown during the birth classes did not convince me otherwise. Still, I desired a natural birth because of the complications that medical interventions can bring.
As a result of our birth classes, I hired a doula, drafted a birth plan, and switched to a new doctor. The doula emphasized relaxation techniques, and the birth plan forced me to commit to what I desired. My new physician welcomed the presence of my doula, expected a birth plan, and openly answered my questions.
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Measuring my belly at the church baby shower the day before I went into labor. |
By the time Chris started timing around midnight, my contractions were approximately four minutes apart. Less than three hours later, my water broke. We were at the hospital by 3 a.m., and I was relieved to learn that I was already between 5 and 6 centimeters dilated. I began mentally preparing myself for several hours of intense labor and pushing. I never expected Baby K to enter the world less than four hours later.
Consistent with the desires spelled out in my birth plan, I was able to labor free from fetal monitors and an IV. This allowed me to move around rather than be confined to lying on my back in a hospital bed, a very uncomfortable labor position for me. The doula made sure the lights were dimmed and my music was playing, which transformed the sterile hospital room into a calm environment. The doula recognized that I was experiencing back labor and recommended a labor position that turned out to be invaluable. The doula made sure I stayed hydrated and comfortable in warm socks and my own gown. The doula took the pressure off Chris to do and remember everything, which allowed him to focus on supporting me during contractions. The doula was invaluable.
Chris provided amazing support through positive encouragement and quick responses to my directions for counter-pressure during contractions. As we labored together, I kept waiting for transition labor, the point at which I imagined the pain would become unbearable, I would lose control, and I would utter our code word for "give me an epidural." That point, however, never came. Instead, it became impossible to relax through the contractions and I finally told Chris, "I think it's time to push." It turns out my instinct was right - I was dilated to ten centimeters and the baby was in position to come out.
Once it was time to push, the room filled with medical staff and equipment. Despite the flutter of activity, however, the room remained quiet and dimly lit. I recall the nurses quietly standing, watching, and waiting. The doula later informed me that when the nurses attempted to make small talk, the doctor quietly waived his finger to cut them off. I recall the respectful demeanor of the doctor, who sat patiently at the side of the bed with his legs crossed, quietly rocking to the music between contractions, and gently assuring me that I was making progress as I pushed. I recall the doula instructing me on how to effectively push, and the doctor calmly suggesting that I listen to the doula's instruction. I recall focusing on the songs playing between contractions and talking through the immense pressure on my lower body. I recall telling Chris between contractions that it hurt not to push. The doula and doctor immediately smiled and nodded in agreement, a small but powerful affirmation that I was doing something right.
After about half an hour of pushing harder than I ever imagined possible, Baby K entered the world. Chris announced Baby K's gender, and she was immediately placed on my chest, newborn goo and all. The rush of emotions and adrenaline that followed the final push and my first contact with Baby K was amazing.
Birthing Baby K was an extremely positive experience. Was it hard? Heck yeah! I had a face full of popped blood vessels and a body full of sore muscles to prove it. Was it painful? Of course! What woman doesn't dead menstrual cramps on speed and the infamous ring of fire? The pain was manageable, however, thanks to Chris' support, a knowledgeable doula, the right medical staff, and our birthing classes. I now know that with the right preparation, birthing a baby can be an empowering and beautiful experience.
I owe a huge thank you to Nicole Hoff, our birth doula; Dr. Lee, the OB/GYN; and Chris, a wonderfully supportive husband. Chris and I also owe a huge thank you to the staff at the hospital, who were so accommodating when Baby K had to stay longer than I did. Praise God for surrounding me with the right people and most importantly, praise God for a healthy baby girl.
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Baby K, two days old. |
This story is amazing. I love it and it gives me hope for one day. . . well, we'll just leave it there ;)
I'm so happy it went so well for you all! :) -Heather May
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