Sunday, May 17, 2015

Bath Time

Right now, bath time is my favorite time with Katy.  No longer bombarded by the noisy distractions of the day, I sit by the side of the tub in a quiet bathroom and gently pour warm water over Katy's tiny body.  My undivided attention coupled with the soothing water make Katy calm and happy.  To top it off, Katy is stripped down to nothing but her beautiful, soft, and wrinkle-free skin.  During bath time, Katy is nothing but pure, sweet baby, and I love it.


laSonya said...

Happy baby faces!!!

Unknown said...

Hey! I found your blog by stumbling on the next blog feature on Blogger. You are so lucky your baby loves baths. My baby is over a year and a half now and hates them. She went through a brief period where she would play in the bath and be happy til it was time to be washed. Now she is just unhappy and screaming the whole time!

Anyway, I'm so glad to find another blogger who just blogs about daily life like I do! I do have a blog I'm going to monetize, but is my daily life diary. Come by and say hi!