Tuesday, February 2, 2016

God's Little Reminders

This week Chris and I took on a new monthly expense for something very responsible and unexciting.   I went to bed a bit apprehensive about how our recent career changes would accommodate for this new expense.  The next morning, the hot water heater busted.  "Ugh," I thought, "yet another expense." Chris went right to work removing the busted hot water heater and in the process discovered there were a few months left on the warranty.  All we needed for a replacement hot water heater was the receipt of purchase...the receipt from a purchase made by the former home owners in what we suspected was September 2011.  Ugh again.  All I can say is, "Praise God," because in a drawer full of manuals, notes, spare parts, and receipts the former home owners left behind, we found the receipt.  By the end of the day, we had a new hot water heater and hot water in abundance.

This week I went to bed apprehensive about a new expense and the next day, God used a busted hot water heater and a 4.5-year-old receipt to remind me that He will provide for our needs.  Thank you Jesus for these perfectly timed little reminders.

1 comment:

laSonya said...

Awesome! I love those reminders that God still has everything under control. Thank you for sharing this and reminding me too.