Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The End of a Sleep Era

When Katy was born, she slept swaddled next to me, after I breastfed her to put her to sleep.  At three months, Katy started sleeping in her swing, after I breastfed her to put her to sleep. At six months, Katy started sleeping in her crib at night, after I breastfed her to sleep.   At eight months, Katy started taking her naps in her crib, after I breastfed her to sleep.  I weaned Katy at 13 months, but I continued to rock her to sleep at both nap time and bedtime.

This week, after 16 months of breastfeeding or rocking Katy to sleep, Katy started going to sleep without me holding her.  It was not something I imposed on Katy, but rather something she signaled to me through uncomfortable shifting and constant back arching as I tried to rock her.  I understood these signals because I've spent a lot of time holding Katy next to my chest as her little body slowly gives way to sleep.  I know what rocking motions soothe Katy the quickest, and I have successfully used them without a rocking chair.  I know the difference between Katy's breathing rhythms in shallow and deep sleep.  I know the difference between shifting due to discomfort, wiggling to stay awake, and movement that is part of Katy's natural process of shutting down to sleep.  I know how long it will take to put Katy to sleep based on how she resists my attempts to keep her from squirming, and I know how to tell when the wiggles are on the edge of defeat.  And now I know when Katy doesn't need me to rock her to sleep, which makes me both proud and a little nostalgic.

Asleep with her bunnies.  Check out that tan!

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