Thursday, March 21, 2019

Katy's Art

This week Katy came home from Adventurers with an awesome piece of art.  Chris explained that her teacher, Ms. Esli, asked the kids to draw a picture of a story from the bible.  Katy drew this picture of the story of Jonah by herself, without any prompting or help.

At first I thought it was an upside-down turtle.  My mom thought it was Noah's ark until she saw the fish eating a "ghost."
I think she did a fabulous job for a little girl who only recently turned four-years-old.

Katy has also been drawing our house and our family a lot lately.  Here is her version of our house, including the posts on our front porch.  We are all standing out front, Chris and I each holding a baby.

I cannot get enough of this girl's drawings right now.

1 comment:

laSonya said...

Those are great! I need a new art picture!! We should facetime sometime again and I can ask Katy for a picture!