Thursday, March 21, 2019

Spanglish Conjugations

Earlier this week, as we were waiting for some ice cream to thaw so we could serve it, Katy told me, "El helado esta muy freeze."  I explained to Katy that the proper word to describe the ice cream is frozen.  She thought for a  few seconds and responded, "Es que Español es muy difícil."  Poor girl.  She thought frozen was a Spanish word.  We then discussed the proper sentence in both English and Spanish.  A couple days later, Katy said, "esta muy freeze," to describe a popsicle.  Apparently, we eat a lot of frozen novelties, and Katy needs a little more help with the correct use of frozen/congelado.

Later during the week, Katy was standing next to one of her baby sisters, who was sitting in the infant swing.  Katy pushed the swing seat and then told me, "La empushe."  I looked at her quizzically and asked her if she meant, "La empuje."  She grinned and explained that Grandma Lulu uses empushe.  I doubt Grandma Lulu uses the  clearly Spanglish "empushar," but I am impressed with Katy's ability to correctly conjugate a fake verb in the preterite tense.  At least her Spanglish wasn't a total loss this time.

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