Saturday, June 22, 2019

Custom Double Basinet Rocking Chair: The Ultimate Twin Accessory

My dad is awesome, and this blog post will prove it!

A few months before the twins were born, my mom and I were googling rocking chair options for twins.  We came across an image of a rocking chair with a basinet attached on each side, but we couldn't find it for sale anywhere.  That's when my dad took over.  After my glider chair went on a little road trip to his house, it came back like this:

That's right!  It's a double basinet rocking chair!

My talented dad welded a support frame and then attached it to the gliding hardware on the underside of my chair.  He then created additional supports to slide into the frame on each side.  These additional supports carry the basinet box you see on each side.  My mom and dad upholstered the boxes and added storage trays and cup holders.  The chair and the two basinet boxes rock as one unit.  Each basinet box has a drawer on the bottom and a mattress pad on top.  The mattress height is adjustable and even at the lowest level, the babies are within a comfortable arm's reach when sitting in the chair.  One or both basinets can be removed without leaving any evidence that they were once attached, aside from the frame on the bottom that is not visible unless you flip the chair over.   This rocking chair is the ultimate twin accessory! 

The rocker has been so helpful with the twins!  We can prop the babies in boppy pillows on each side to comfortably feed them at the same time.  We use the chair to rock both babies to sleep at the same time before moving them to their beds.  If one baby is especially fussy, I can rock that baby in my arms while the other baby chills in the basinet next to me.  And if I need to swap babies, I have a second basinet box to make the swap possible.  Sometimes Katy sits in my lap and we read while the babies fall asleep next to us.  The storage baskets and cup holders provide ample space to place bottles, a cup of water, burp cloths, pacifiers, and anything else we may need.  In short, Chris and I use the rocker and basinets daily to make caring for two babies easier.  

If you aren't convinced that my dad is awesome, you should know that he also transformed their second-hand dresser (which my mother-in-law called "trash") into a gorgeous piece of furniture.  He also refinished their crib and cradle and built their book shelf.  I guess the baby room would be pretty empty without my awesome dad!

1 comment:

laSonya said...

Agreed. Your dad is pretty awesome!!