Sunday, February 23, 2020


I haven't blogged since November of last year.   I'd love to blame the twins for my extended absence but it seems their big sister was the culprit this time.

Many months ago, a certain four-year-old (who is now five) spilled water on my laptop and didn't tell me.  Several hours later I discovered a puddle of water on my keyboard and water soaked through to the counter.  I was one unhappy mama! 

Miraculously, most of the computer survived and only the trackpad was damaged.  At first, the trackpad worked with a terrible lag every now and then.  It was like using the internet in the nineties, but I found a way to work around it.  After a couple months, however, the curser just started moving and clicking on things in crazy fast order on it's own.  For a couple months, I could correct the problem by leaving the computer off for a couple days.  After a couple weeks, however, it happened every time used the computer.  It became dangerous because the curser would even start deleting things!  So the computer stayed off.  For months.  And I couldn't blog because I am not about to blog with a phone.  No thanks!

A couple weeks ago, however, my husband-hero fixed the trackpad for me!  I can blog again, so get ready for lots of updates!

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