Thursday, January 8, 2009

One Year and Counting

This past month Chris and I graduated from being newly-weds to become regular married people. To celebrate this milestone, we loaded up the car and drove to New Mexico for a relaxing week in Santa Fe and Taos. Of course we had our share of alone time during the week, but we also found time to go skiing with friends and to visit Chris’ family, feasting on their delicious, cheesy, authentic Mexican food.

To say that there was a sudden change in our relationship would be misleading, but to say that we are the same as when he first wed one year ago would be even more misleading. Not too long I ago I did something that was absolutely ridiculous. I thought to myself, “Chris must think I am so weird sometimes.” Just a few days ago Chris did something equally ridiculous and then said, “I could never be myself around anyone else.” And that’s how we’ve changed. Rules and boundaries have been challenged or all together broken (in part due to the afore-mentioned delicious, cheesy, authentic Mexican food; see blog on Month Three for clarification).

After Chris and I had been dating a year or so, my coworkers began asking me when we would move in together. I didn’t hesitate in replying that cohabitation would only occur if we got married, and that’s exactly how things played out. We went from being single, living separately, and reporting to no one about our time or money to just the opposite. To all those who say that you should “try it before you buy it,” I beg to differ. You miss out on the excitement of coupling a new, lifetime commitment with a new life. I can’t imagine the first year of marriage being even half the fun if we had lived together prior to the wedding. THIS YEAR WAS AWESOME! I praise God for the blessings he gave Chris and I and I pray for a lifetime of similar years to follow, even if it means breaking an occasional prudent rule.

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