Monday, December 7, 2009

Toilet Trouble

First, please do not conjure up images of a bowl overflowing with tainted water. Quite the contrary: our toilet is functioning on a perfectly acceptable level. The problem is that our toilet has been attracting objects that do not belong in the toilet. The occasional make-up brush, hair band, or hand mirror may accidentally fall in the toilet without causing many problems. Chris' wedding ring, however, was a bit scarier. But when my hair dryer, which was plugged into the wall, fell into the toilet bowl and made an array of sizzling sounds, I could barely move. I instantly squealed, tensed my shoulders, and elevated my heels, as if to prepare myself for the ensuing shock. I could only envision the large tag routinely affixed to bathroom appliances containing the crossed-out picture of children playing with an appliance in the bath tub. I later learned that the appliance and the person must be in the water together to cause a truly dangerous situation. I guess it's a good thing I wasn't standing the toilet when the hair dryer fell. Otherwise, our toilet trouble would be of a whole different nature.

Based on a prior incident involving the hose of a running vaccuum cleaner and a tiolet, I suspected that my hair dryer may still work despite the unsanitary baptism. After four days of "drying," the hair dryer is working perfectly again. (Chris heroically tested it for me, although I insisted that he wear a rubber glove for added protection).

I think we need to start closing the lid...


Sirill Benton said...

That would be my suggestion too. Close the lid!!!

laSonya said...

kim you are making me laugh, which would normally be okay, but i am at work and reading these when it should look like I am being productive . . . yet I can't stop reading because I want more!