Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Coincidence or Divine Intervention?

Today, at exactly 1:56 p.m, I remembered that the ring tone on my phone had been set on silent all day. I quickly fished my phone out of my bag and turned on the ringer, even though I wasn't expecting any calls. Exactly five minutes later the phone rang. The caller id read "UNAVAILABLE" (the phone uses all-caps; it's the phone that's yelling, not me). I answered the phone with a suspicious, "Hello?," and was surprised to hear a familiar voice respond. It was a longtime pal (since the first grade!) who lives halfway around the world (in Norway!). We hadn't talked in a very long time, perhaps a year or more, and I would have completely missed the call had I not turned on the phone's ringer when I did. The initial excitement of the phone call prevented me from realizing the divine string of events that made our subsequent conversation possible. It was only after I hung-up that I realized this. Luckily, my longtime pal reads my blog, and she should get the message right about now.


laSonya said...

i did in fact get this right about now :O) divine intervention would be about right. thanks for sharing!

Sirill Benton said...

So, who si this friend of your in Norway? Maybe I need to meet her! And maybe you an Chris now hasa doible reason to make a Norway trip.