Friday, March 16, 2012

The New Cool

I've learned a number of useful lessons working with Pathfinders.  For example, I've recently learned about swagg.   Swagg is a word the kids use to describe what's cool, but I think it's more than just a synonym for the word cool.  The kids often use the word beast in place of the word cool.

According to Urban Dictionary, swagg is "mostly known as style," a "unique part of what makes you different than the other players in a cool way."  I've learned that mismatched socks and cartoon-themed backpacks are swagg.

Our last Pathfinder camping trip entailed a lot of talk about swagg.  I mockingly asked Chris if one could have swagg by accident.  Later that afternoon, one of the staff members layered hoodies because he was cold.  The kids told the staff member that his layered hoodies were swagg.  Or maybe the kids said the staff member had swagg.  Quite honestly, I'm not really sure how to use the word properly, but I'm certain that improper use of the word is a sure sign that one lacks swagg.  In any event, I now know that one can have swagg by accident.

In all honestly, I don't really care if I use the word swagg properly or not.  It is not a word that I use on a daily basis, I do not like mismatched socks or cartoon backpacks, and I own only one hoodie.  I am happy, however, that the kids are comfortable enough to be themselves around me.  That's beast.

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