Sunday, March 4, 2012

Pine Car Derby

The pathfinder club I work with recently participated in an area wide pine car derby.  As the boys designed flashy race cars, I took a more feminine approach.  After many hours of work, I am proud to introduce you to the Barbie car:

In case you don't know, the car started as this:

Now you're impressed, right?!?!? 

Not surprisingly, Chris played a major role in building the Barbie car.  Without his skills and attention to detail, the car would look substantially less impressive. Substantially.

On race day, Barbie lined up next to her rival, the only other car built by a staff member from our pathfinder club.  

During one of the heats, Barbie's rival lost a weight.  The weight landed in Barbie's lane, causing her to spin out of control and look like nothing more than a pretty blonde who can't drive.  Luckily, the judges discovered the debris on the track and re-ran the heat.

Did Barbie advance past the first round of races?  Of course not.  She was built for beauty, not speed.  Barbie didn't even win the best-in-show trophy, a title normally associated with Barbie's image.  She's okay, though.  Best-in-show appropriately went to one of the kids who built a marine-life themed car, complete with glittery aqua waves and a plastic dolphin.  Barbie knows the race was really about the kids. Staff members like me were just happy for an excuse to relive our childhood for a day.

1 comment:

laSonya said...

Cool! You are sooo lucky. Come visit me and we'll have another race and you can be an international racer :)