Sunday, August 15, 2010

Zoo and Balboa Park

Went to the San Diego Zoo today. I especially enjoyed the hippos who were sleeping with their giant faces smushed against the viewing glass.

I also enjoyed watching one exhibit of very small monkeys who were eating the stuffing out of a small stuffed animal. Now that I think about it, I'm not sure if they were supposed to have a stuffed animal or if the synthetic stuffing was all that healthy....but it was sure entertaining to watch.

The polar bears and the panda bears were a bit of let down. I know that zoo animals should be allowed to nap, but I sure wish they wouldn't choose to do so on the day that I pay $32 to see them. Chris suggested that we throw a coca-cola into the polar bear pool so that the bears would jump into the water to get it. Obviously we did not act on this suggestion, but I think that if tiny monkeys can handle a little stuffing, large polar bears could handle a little soda. Anyhoo, the polar bear below was the most cooperative one we saw.

About half way through the day I started paying attention to the vast variety of strollers that people at the zoo were pushing around. I came to the conclusion that picking out a stroller must be like buying a car and like cars, I prefer compact models.

After leaving the zoo, Chris and I wandered around Balboa Park. It was absolutely lovely. We ended up buying dinner and eating on one of the many lawns. Althouh pictures cannot capture the beauty of the park, here are a couple of pictures I took.


laSonya said...

I'm inspired to visit San Diego now. You'll have to give me pointers if I do.

Sirill Benton said...

I think you noticing strollers is an indication of maternal instict and wanted to nest. Ha ha