Sunday, May 14, 2017

Cheese Balls/Bolas de Queso

During a recent family trip to office Depot, Katy found at her level a shelf filled with giant containers of cheese puffs.  Upon seeing the bright orange cheese balls, she exclaimed (in Spanish), "Look, how pretty!"  She had never eaten cheese balls before but the comedy of her statement, which she made while carrying a canister the size of her torso, meant one thing: we had no choice but to buy the cheese balls.

Durante una visita recientemente a Office Depot, Katy encontro a su nivel de los ojos un estante llena de botes gigantes de bolas de queso.  A ver las bolas de queso de color naranja brillante, Katy exclamó, "Mira, que bonita!"  Nunca había comido las bolas de queso antes, pero la comedia de su declaración, que hizo mientras llevaba un bote del tamaño de su torso, significaba sola una cosa: tuvimos que comprar las bolas de queso.

At home with her treasure/
En la casa con su tesoro

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